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Buffalo County Wisconsin Warrant Records

Wisconsin Public Records /Wisconsin Warrant Records /Buffalo County WI Warrant Records

Are Warrant Records Public in Buffalo County, Wisconsin?

Yes, warrant records are public in Buffalo County, Wisconsin. According to the Public Record Act, these records are considered to be part of the public domain and can be accessed by anyone who requests them. This means that individuals have the right to obtain information about warrants issued in Buffalo County, Wisconsin.

How to Find Warrant Records in Buffalo County, Wisconsin in 2024

To obtain warrant records in Buffalo County, Wisconsin, there are several options available. One way is to visit the Buffalo County Sheriff's Office in person and request the records. The sheriff's office will provide assistance and guidance on the process of obtaining the warrant records.

Another option is to search for warrant records online. The Buffalo County website provides a section dedicated to warrant records where individuals can search for specific warrants by name or case number. This online search option provides convenience and accessibility for those who prefer to conduct their search from the comfort of their own home.

Sheriff's Office in Buffalo County, Wisconsin

  • Buffalo County Sheriff's Office: 407 S 2nd St, Alma, WI 54610, Phone: (608) 685-4433

The Buffalo County Sheriff's Office is the primary law enforcement agency responsible for maintaining warrant records in Buffalo County, Wisconsin. They can provide assistance and guidance on how to obtain warrant records and answer any questions related to the process.

Lookup Warrant Records in Buffalo County, Wisconsin

Please note that the provided links are not warrant records but are related to child support services in Buffalo County, Wisconsin. If you are specifically looking for warrant records, it is recommended to visit the Buffalo County Sheriff's Office or utilize the online search option mentioned earlier.

In conclusion, warrant records are public in Buffalo County, Wisconsin, and can be obtained through various means. Whether it's visiting the sheriff's office in person or utilizing the online search option, individuals have the right to access these records in accordance with the Public Record Act.